Experience the adventure of a lifetime in the world of Ragnarok Online! Are you prepared to overcome new challenges and create unforgettable memories with the nifeRO?

Server Rates and Stats Other Key Info
Max Level 99/70 Current Episode Template 11.3 - Endless Nightmare, Nameless Island
Server Location Frankfurt, Germany Proxy Servers Australia, Brazil and Singapore
EXP Rates 3x Gameplay Pre-Renewal Mechanics
Usable Item Drop Chance 1x Security Gepard Shield 3.0
Equipment Drop Chance 5x (e.g. Gloves, Shiled/Buckler and Muffler) Player Commands @arealoot(3x3 cells), @autotrade, @rates, @iteminfo, @whodrops, @mobinfo, @time, @showexp, @noks, @refresh, @whereis, @hominfo, @homstats, @killcount, @lgp, @square, @circle, @aoes @jailtime
Etc Item Drop Chance 2x (Items that are in the ETC tab, besides card)
MvP Equipment Drop Chance 2x (e.g. Combat Knife and Valkyrian Armor)
Normal Card Drop Chance 5x (0.05%)
MvP & Miniboss Card Drop Chance 1x (0.01%)


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